5 Quick Tips to Develop Family Devotion Time
There is something in us as parents that wants more for our kids, and if we are Gospel following parents we want more for our children spiritually. Scripture gives clear directives to us as parents, “train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
So it begs the question, how on earth do we do that?
How do we train them well in the midst of all the other things that are vying for their time? How do we reach their hearts before the world does?
One of the ways that we can do that is through family devotional time. If you are like my family we are rarely in the same place together it feels like. Sitting down at the table for a meal feels like a gift when it occurs, so incorporating family devotional time feels hard. I am going to share 5 quick tips that our family is applying and your family can too no matter how busy your days look.
- Decide if it is important: don’t turn me off just yet, that statement hurts me as much as it may hurt you. Like most things we will put first what is important enough to take priority. We do it whether we admit it or not. We make time for what we feel is important. Is discipling your children important to you? If so, then we must make the time.
- Choose a time when most or all of your family is in the same place: I know this can be hard to do for most families, but whether it is at the dinner table every night or right before bed gather the family together for the purpose of opening God’s Word together.
- Use a children’s Bible or devotion book if you need help: There are many great family devotions out there, we are currently using one from Charles Stanely alongside our storybook Bible. Both of these work across all ages and give us things to talk about together as a family.
- Pray together: We are paving the way for our children, we are training them. When we pray together over things that are happening in the world, in our families, with our friends or things that are simply on their hearts we are teaching them to take things to God first and foremost.
- Be faithful in the little things: The little things being your kids. Be faithful to discipling them and leading them to know Christ, teaching them the gospel.
While it may at times feel like an impossible task, it is worth the investment that you are making into your family and the lives of your children. You will begin to see the fruit and watching them grow in Christ.