5 Do’s and Don’ts of Bible Study
I grabbed the chipped mug filled with creamy hot coffee, and began to shuffle my way back up the stairs. There was just a glimmer of light cascading the walls. It was a dusty hue as it seemed to follow behind me. I sat in the chair of my writing desk, reached for my Bible and wrinkled notebook. My heart was eager to open the Word, the sun began to trickle its way through the cracks of the blinds – morning.
I go to bed each night thinking of the morning, my quiet time, the stillness before the noise and chaos that seems to be my life begins to appear. It is His time.
I was one of those who often said I don’t study my Bible because of time, but the hard truth? It just wasn’t important enough for me to put first. I wish it wasn’t true, I wish I didn’t even have to type those words. Many years I wondered why I didn’t just start out a good Bible study girl. The beauty is none of us starts out that way, it comes with time, commitment, and consistency.
So the question is how do we get there? What are the do’s and don’ts of Bible study to get us heading in the right direction?
1. Don’t assume your Bible study time will look like someone else’s – because it won’t
Do seek to make the time productive and try different Bible study methods to challenge your time in the Word. (If you need tips and help getting into the Word with different methods, check out our Consumed Life resource.)
2. Don’t assume Bible study is one time fits all.
Do seek Ask God to show you the time of day that is best for you to be in the Word. Mornings are my thing, maybe evenings are better for you. Either way ask God to reveal where you can give your time to be in your Bible. (Another practical way to do this is to make a list of your priorities and things you do throughout the day, pray over it and ask God to reveal where you can give time to Bible study.)
3. Don’t isolate yourself in your study.
Do seek community whether it be through online Bible study or in-person small group as an aid to your quiet time. If you are a Bible study beginner, community can be helpful in keeping you encouraged and understanding what you are reading.
4. Don’t limit your resources.
Do use a few translations when are studying – this gives you some understanding about what you are reading. Consult commentaries when you need help, you can find great free resources at blueletterbible.com and Biblestudytools.com
5. Don’t get discouraged and give up when you miss a day.
Do ask someone to help hold you accountable to your time in the Word. Grab a friend and read your Bible together, text, or chat about your quiet time, and keep each other encouraged as you study.
There are many others I am sure we could add to the list, but these top five do’s and don’ts give you a realistic place to start in your quiet time. Each one of these are something I have learned in my own journey of being in my Bible every day. It is worth the work my friend.
Are you new to Bible study? Share in the comments your biggest Bible study struggle.